A sustainable digital concept for public affairs and PR.
With the professional communication management and the personal network we have built over the years, we can ensure acceptance and attention within the political sphere. To do so, we use the newest formats and instruments to communicate: Our public affairs arsenal includes online discussion platforms, SEO websites and content, digital magazines and social media channels as well as top-level background discussions and cooperation.
We know the demands of political processes in the Bundestag, in federal government and the Bundesrat (upper house of parliament) as well as in top media such as the Handelsblatt, FAZ, FOCUS, BILD, Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ), etc. We know the criteria TV stations have for choosing topics and guests (e.g. Illner, Morgenmagazin) and combine the ability to heighten messages with the necessary professional depth and integrity.
We have worked for over 20 years with political decision-makers, top media representatives and key stakeholders in the areas of responsibility, economic affairs, environment, finance, traffic, agriculture and health and are at the same time a reliable partner. Therefore, we are listened to and (en)trusted.
We are convinced: Credibility is the prerequisite for overcoming political and media crises; a good network is the basis for being heard above the constant flood of information.
Agentur für PR & Public Affairs in Berlin – spezialisiert auf Kommunikationsstrategien, politische Kampagnen, Krisenkommunikation und Coaching
Hope, sustainability and emotional strength: These three factors ensure successful CEO communication
Demonstrating on Fridays or blockading Berlin’s government district: Worldwide, the climate crisis